L2P Nurse Nublette and the Color Purple...

You know, I was going to blog extensively on my harrowing experience with L2P Nurse Nublette and her Team Killing antics yesterday during my visit to the Dentist, but decided against it. Rest assured, know that this goofy middle-aged bitch had no fucking clue what she was doing, and was wearing a horrendous set of scrubs that looked like a crayon box with Downs-Syndrome threw up all over it.
Whew. Now that's out of the way, I was dicking around in Painter some more, and played with the different tools. Out of the jumbled, scribbly mess that I was creating to test the tools and brushes, came this girl. I don't know who she is. I just picked shapes, and continued to work and play with them. Purple and yellow were the colors all this was blended out of, then I finished it off with some detailing.
More to come later, I'm sure. Right now, finishing up the animation model.
Take it sleazy,