The Little Knight

Greetings, Earthers!
Today was a productive day all around. Got real work done, and got to do some recreational drawing to loosen up the ol' southpaw. That in mind, I took the chance to dig into Painter X a bit more, and explore part of the same technique I used in the Joker illustration.
I remember reading some stuff about the child soldiers overseas, kids being forced to take up arms to defend themselves, and such. My mind wanders WAY too easily, so I got this image of this kid being dwarfed by this gigantic great sword, but looking comfortable and competent with the weapon. This is what I came up with.
I might work on this some more, but at the moment I'm looking to widen my toolbox in Painter a bit more. I don't like being a one or two trick pony when it comes to the software I use for illustration...I like to know the ends and outs, the programs limitations, etc. That way I can't blame the program is something ends up all F.U.B.A.R.
On a completely unrelated note...I have the amalgamations of a big project coming up soon. Its going to be epic, and I'm super excited about this project's potential. Dare I say, I feel that my Creative Batteries are being recharged. They aren't there just yet, but I definitely feel leaps and bounds more productive than I have been in the past several months. Stay tuned, kiddos.
As always, I welcome any comments you have on the art. You can reach me via IM at on GTalk, email at, and you can follow me on Twitter via @chadwelch.