I am the Knight...WIP

By Chad Welch

...ok, so maybe I'm not. But this guy WILL be, as soon as I'm finished with him.

I was really pleased with the way this was turning out, so I thought I'd post a little Work in Progress (WIP) image for todays lil' update.

Nothing much else going on at the moment. Really just brewing up some ideas for this big project I've got going on in the back of my noggin' and waiting for Scott Kurtz book on the business of Webcomics to come in. Super excited to see what it has to say. I always did admire Scott as a cartoonist since I met him at Wizard World Dallas going on five years ago.

IN any case, enjoy, and take it easy.


1 comment so far.

  1. officeape March 10, 2009 at 7:32 AM
    Looks good - can't wait to see the finished product.

Something to say?