I am the Knight...WIP (Part Deux)

...ok, I'm still not Batman. But this dude right CHAW looks like he might be able to make the cut.
I received such a strong response to The Joker's Wild, I figured I'd finish that off by doing a serious painting of the Dark Knight himself. I am pleased at how this one is turning out, so I figured I'd share it on here, again, before its completely polished. Hell, I might go ahead and take a couple others out of Batman's Rogue's Gallery and do my take on them. Suggestions?
PLEASE...leave me comments. Tell me I suck, if I suck, and what you'd like to see...for instance, anyone interested in seeing a screen recording/fraps style capture of me painting digitally? Anyone have any suggestions on software to make that happen?
Let me know, and enjoy.