By Chad Welch

Its this kind of iconic pose that made me fall in love with Superman as a character. This was the type of thing that a kid could easily replicate with a red bath towel, some Superman Underoos, a dress shirt, a tie, and a closet to serve as a phone booth. Transform in and out, and back again.
That's why I love Superman. Why do YOU love Superman?
By Chad Welch

Greetings, all!
Its been a long time coming, but in my pre-con work frenzy, I've decided to finish up the "I am the Knight" digital painting that went along with "The Joker's Wild." I hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for more pre-SDCC goodness. :0)
By Chad Welch
This is a video of me doing a warmup drawing of Spiderman. Enjoy
By Chad Welch

...because it is awesome. All hail Chad, Emperor Supreme King-Ninja of Chadopolis. Or you dies, because I keel you with death.
By Chad Welch

...ok, I'm still not Batman. But this dude right CHAW looks like he might be able to make the cut.
I received such a strong response to The Joker's Wild, I figured I'd finish that off by doing a serious painting of the Dark Knight himself. I am pleased at how this one is turning out, so I figured I'd share it on here, again, before its completely polished. Hell, I might go ahead and take a couple others out of Batman's Rogue's Gallery and do my take on them. Suggestions?
PLEASE...leave me comments. Tell me I suck, if I suck, and what you'd like to see...for instance, anyone interested in seeing a screen recording/fraps style capture of me painting digitally? Anyone have any suggestions on software to make that happen?
Let me know, and enjoy.
By Chad Welch

...ok, so maybe I'm not. But this guy
WILL be, as soon as I'm finished with him.
I was really pleased with the way this was turning out, so I thought I'd post a little Work in Progress (WIP) image for todays lil' update.
Nothing much else going on at the moment. Really just brewing up some ideas for this big project I've got going on in the back of my noggin' and waiting for Scott Kurtz book on the business of Webcomics to come in. Super excited to see what it has to say. I always did admire Scott as a cartoonist since I met him at Wizard World Dallas going on five years ago.
IN any case, enjoy, and take it easy.