Color Testing...1...2..3...Color Testing...

Greetings, Earthers!
Well, I was warmup up the ol' southpaw in Alias Sketchbook today, playing with some illustrative color techniques with the marker and airbrush tools. Turned out pretty good in my opinion, considering I think I suck at color outside of Illustrator. Take a gander.
Wasn't really drawing anything (or anyone) in particular, just kinda letting the arm flow, and picking out the shapes that looked good to me. Leftie up here definitely has that softer look that I'm going for when I paint cartoons, so I'm going to study what I did there and learn what to do to repeat that effect. The one on the right is something I nailed out relatively quickly this morning, so nothing really special there. I had fun with both, but Leftie is definitely the aesthetic that I'm looking for as far as whimsical illustration goes.
And Bucky is the new Cap'n? What the fuck is up with that? Former Heroine addicts make for great rolemodels and National Cheerleader. And a gun? Seriously? They should let me write/draw. I'd give them a story worth telling.
Anywho...that is all. Prolly have something else up here later, as I'm really bored/not feeling Flashy today for some reason, which will completely plummet my work productivity. Batteries...must...recharge...