Apathy...thy name is Chad.

By Chad Welch
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this little blog site is a testament to my personal apathy and lack of motivation. With hope, and practice, this will no longer be the case.

Close friend and associate Robin Cannon is designing a website for me as we speak, and I'm trying to carve a new career out of the ashes of my old one. This has not been a fast process, as it took some time to recover from the burn of my previous life, and the many mistakes I've made and are currently paying for.

Debts are being paid. The end of one story, the beginning of another. Much like a phoenix, fire reborn from the ashes of a former life. One can only hope I can keep that flame from waning or being extinguished.

So, I'm not perfect. Dun-dun-duuuunnnnn....big shocker there.

However, I know if I don't start at least trying to be perfect, I'll never get anywhere close to it. So, perfection, here I come. Well, at least the closest thing to perfect that one such as myself can humbly manage.


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